Why Exercises To Flatten Stomach Muscles Are Popular

There are many times in a person's life when they really want to look their best. Perhaps it is for a high school reunion or for a wedding, and probably the most popular time for wanting to look good is during swimsuit season. For all of these times, and many more times, most people's focus turns to their stomach and they start thinking about excursuses to flatten stomachs.

People tend to think that a flatter stomach means better looks and most people want to look their best. A flat stomach does go beyond looks however; there are medical reasons why people should concentrate on exercises to flatten the stomach. Medical evidence suggests that people that carry extra weight around the stomach tend to be more likely to develop serious medical conditions, including diabetes. The stomach is also the core of the body, this means that the stronger and healthier the core is, the more likely the rest of the body will be as well. Consider a person with back problems, which is a common problem with many people. These people benefit greatly from doing exercises to flatten their stomachs. This will help improve posture and relieve tension in the back as access weight is removed from the center of the body. When a stomach is flat, it also helps the person to walk taller and straighter, giving the person more confidence and improves their overall looks compared to a person that walks hunched over.

Besides looks and health, another reason why exercises to flatten stomach muscles are popular is because they are easy to do. They can be done practically anywhere, in a gym, at home in front of the television or anywhere else. They also do not take equipment to do. While there are plenty of machines and smaller pieces of equipment all geared for flattening a stomach, they are not necessarily needed to get the same results. All a person needs is some room to lie down and the desire to improve their stomach. There are a wide variety of exercises that target this area of the body, so a person can choose which moves will work best for him or her.

Because this type of exercise is so popular, most workout programs, whether on a video watched at home, a health club or any other program a person follows, will include exercises to flatten stomach muscles, because it is so important to keep them strong and also because of the popularity of this type of exercise. Most people are not interested in simply working on their legs or arms or other parts of their bodies unless they are exercising their stomach as well.

Obviously there are many reasons why people want to flatten their stomach and spend a lot of time doing exercises to flatten the stomach. Whether the reason is vanity or health, it is important to remember that like with all things, it will take time to get the desired results and a person must stick to whatever program they are comfortable with until they have the stomach they want. The good news is that stomach muscles respond very well to even a little exercise, with some exercise and a good healthy diet, most people can see results, provided there is no medical reason why they probably won't succeed.

Women, Weight Loss, And Six-pack Abs

Times have really changed. Before, men are the only ones who would want to have a muscular body. So what they do, they go through rigorous training and exercise just to achieve six-pack abs. But now, women are also into the same thing because many of them believe that having a muscular body can be a gauge of their sexiness.

Studies show that more and more women are into getting six-pack abs because they are so conscious about their appearance. Since having six-pack abs indicate that one is slim, many of them are into losing weight. For those who are thinking of ways on how to get six-pack abs, losing weight can be an effective key but they must familiarize themselves with various means of weight loss before trying one.

Weight loss as an effective key to six-pack abs

Indeed, one of the most effective means of getting six-pack abs is to lose weight. And for most women, the easiest means of losing weight is through a weight loss program, which can either be followed by attending a class or can be used a guide especially on online classes. While it's true that many people can attest to the effectivity of various weight loss programs, please bear in min that not all programs will lead to desirable results. To ensure that if the weight loss program will help you get six-pack abs, make sure you"re your conduct research on the available programs very well.

Nowadays, there are so many programs for losing weight. But, fitness experts categorize these into two—the clinical and the non-clinical. Clinical refers to the services provided in a health-care setting such as clinic or hospital and administered by licensed health care professionals like doctors, nurses, dietitians, and psychologists who suggest scientifically-proven weight loss care and treatment. Here, services such as physical activities, nutrition education, behavior change therapies, and surgeries are included to ensure that the program will help the student achieve a desirable body.

Non-clinical, on the other hand, pertains to commercially-operated weight loss procedures that privately owned such as in weight loss chain. This type usually requires people to join others in a support group, a worksite program, or community-based projects and may require patients to use the various foods or supplements offered by the program. The patients can follow a non-clinical program on their own with the help of a counselor, a guidebook, a website, or even the use of weight-loss products.

The type of weight loss program to get six-pack abs will depend on your schedule and your need. But experts warn that no matter which type of program you choose, make sure that you engage in any activity or diet provided by the program to ensure results. It is also advisable to visit a registered or licensed physician first before using any weight loss product offered by the program like food supplements, herbs, or over-the-counter medications and rigid sets of exercises.

Adhering to weight loss diets can also be an effective means of losing weight and achieving six pack abs. More and more people agre that weight loss diets can promote simple processes of burning calories such as the "Atkins Nutritional Approach" allowing the person to eat satisfying amounts of delicious and nutrient foods while customizing the program to specific individual needs, tastes and preferences; the "Bill Phillips" Eating For Life," based on four primary ingredients such as food, amount, combos, and times; 'the Blood Type Diet" aiming to lose weight by matching the body's biological profile through blood type, and the "NutriSystem" that manages diet through prepackaged foods that are ideal for people who want to achieve six-pack abs despite their busy schedules.

The Stomach Exercise All-stars

There are plenty of stomach exercises out the for those who want to shape their core and strengthen their midsection. This may be both a blessing and a curse. It is easy to find plenty of exercises and routines that work the midsection, but how does one know which ones are any good? Well, listed here are what appear to be some of the best around, according to recommendations by fitness experts. If you want to work on your stomach, but are not sure where to start, then this "all-star team" may be a good jumping off point. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Crunchless Crunch Regular crunches are great for working the rectus abdominus (the muscles at the front of your stomach), but they do very little for the transverse abdominal muscles deeper in the midsection, plus they tend to put strain on your back and neck. This first exercise corrects that, working the transverse muscles with no back or neck strain. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

Hip Lift Remain on your back for this stomach exercise. Put your arms at your sides with palms facing up to the ceiling. Put your legs straight up in the air so that the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling and your legs make about a ninety degree angle with your torso. Keep your knees unbent and as straight as possible. Now, contract your ab muscles so that it feels like your belly button is being pulled toward your spine, while at the same time gently lifting your hips off the floor. Raise your hips to height of a few inches, keeping your legs extended straight upward. Hold this position, then slowly lower your hips back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

Long Arm Crunch For this stomach exercise, remain on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Lie back and extend your arms straight back on the floor as though you are reaching above your head. Contract your abs and slowly lift your arms, head and shoulders off the floor to about a thirty degree angle. Hold it, then slowly lower your shoulders back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set. Be careful not to lead with your arms, keeping them straight and alongside your head.

Some other honorable mentions include the vertical leg crunch, torso twists, and any Pilates routine that emphasizes the core. Feel free to research some of these exercises more once you have mastered the three above. Now that you are armed with some of the better stomach exercises, you are on your way to a trimmer tummy!

Using Resistance Bands In Stomach Exercises

Using resistance bands can be an effective component of any workout routine, and stomach exercises are no exception. There are a number of exercises targeting the midsection that incorporate resistance bands. Resistance bands come in a variety of difficulties, usually indicated by the color of the band itself (e.g., green can be little resistance, yellow may be medium, red for difficult, etc.). Choose a resistance level that is appropriate for you, then move up as necessary. Do not overdo it by immediately grabbing the most advanced band you can find, as this can lead to injury. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Seated Crunch This exercise provides the same benefits as the basic abdominal crunch, but with less neck strain and without the possible discomfort that comes with lying on the floor, since it uses a band rather than gravity to provide resistance. For this stomach exercise, you will need to be sitting in a straight back chair which you can somehow loop your band through. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and about as wide apart as your hips. Contract your abdominal muscles, and slowly bend forward to about a forty-five degree angle. Repeat for an entire set. Be sure to keep your feet on the floor and your back as straight as possible. One-Arm Band Pull Put the chair away and stand up, again with feet hip width apart. Put your hands above your head, holding the band about eighteen inches apart. Keeping your left hand overhead, bring your right hand out to the side, elbow bent at about a ninety degree angle. Hold your left arm still as you contract your abdominals and lower your right arm until your hand is in line with your chest. Hold this position, then slowly return. Repeat for an entire set, then switch hands. Keep your back straight and avoid bending or leaning at the waist. For an additional challenge, do this exercise standing on one foot. Perform the exercise with both hands while standing on your left foot, then do it all again on your right foot.

Twisting Roll-Back For this stomach exercise, you will need to sit on a flat surface, preferably the floor. Use a mat or towel for cushioning to ease possible strain on your tail bone. Sit down with your legs bent and heels on the floor. Your toes should be pointing up-- do not put your feet flat on the floor. Loop the band around your feet, put one end in each hand and put your hands together. In a rolling motion, lower your torso toward the floor about forty-five degrees. As you do this, twist to the right and spread your hands to the sides. Hold for a second, then rotate back to the middle and raise your torso back to start. Your heels should remain on the floor throughout the exercise. Do a full set, then switch to the left side.

Different Exercises To Get A Flat Stomach

There are many different exercises to get a flat stomach. Some require machines or special equipment; others simply require a floor to lie on and a little motivation and determination. There are some that are performed while also exercising other groups of muscles such as in Pilate's moves, where every exercise will work the stomach muscles even if the focus is the legs, arms or other area of the body.

There are a couple of movements that are very basic and yet give many people the results they are looking for. The first movement is the basic crunch. These exercises are better for the body then sit ups because they do not strain the back as much. A crunch is performed simply by lying on your back and raising the upper portion of your body a few inches off the ground, just enough to feel the strain in the stomach muscles. The key to these movements is to be sure your stomach is doing the work and not your head, or arms. Also, it is important to keep everything straight, do not lift the head more then the shoulders or back, for more information and detail on performing this movement properly there are many resources available on the internet, in books and also in videos. Another movement which is also great and should be done in conjunction with the basic crunch is a side crunch which works the oblique, or as some people call them "love handles" This exercises are performed the same way as the crunch, only the body is twisted slightly to one side. Again to get a more accurate description of how to properly perform this movement there are many resources available.

Along with working out the mid section of the stomach and sides, a person should include several different exercises to get a flat stomach by way of exercising the whole stomach, which includes the lower section and upper section of their stomach as well. It will do a person no good to only focus on one specific muscle group of their stomach. There are many places to find exercises to get a flat stomach including the internet, library, book store and in videos. With so many different options a person may have trouble deciding which exercises would benefit them the most while trying to get a flat stomach. The best suggestion in this case is to try several different ones and decide what works for the individual. One exercise may work great for one person, but be too strenuous for another. Or, one person may be in better shape and be able to do several different exercises that a beginner can not do, at least in the beginning and may just need to concentrate on one movement, instead of a series of different movements in one workout session.

While some exercises to get a flat stomach may work better then others, no exercise will work if not properly performed and done regularly. A person should decide which exercises they are both capable of doing and also can do for an extended period of time while working to get the flat stomach they want. If they exercise is too complicated, takes too much time or can only be done on a special type of equipment, the person may not be able to stick with it long term. Remember, getting a flat stomach will not happen overnight, it takes time, dedication and patience, regardless of the exercise used.